Apakah anda suka puisi? (Do you like Poem?)

1 Diario

Monday, July 25th 2011

Lang, mampir dong, ada 2 puisi baru... http://deraelsijabat.blogspot.com/


Tulang is the best..

bingung mengartikannya der
mencoba menghubungkan isi dan judul

Cobalah lang! hakhakhak

lagi gimana nh emosimu wktu bkin puisi nh???

Biasa, neh puisi permintaan dari sahabat yg ultah hari itu. Jadi isinya tuh full terinspirasi dari kehidupan dia.... Klimaksnya di 2 bait trakhir lang. knapa lang???

emang fkiran ma hti teman mu itu gk sejalan y???

Lebih kurang sprti itu lang...
Hatinya tau apa yg benar... Bahkan sering menjerit2 karna tak dingarkan...
Tp logikanya yg sering diikutkan...
Cewek lang...
Orgnya ambisius bgt..
tp ambisinya terkadang buta..
(tulang gak pernah nemuin org sprti ini?)

wahh....bahaya nh org spt nh
takut berkawan lh......
ntar kita pulak yng d mkannya

kurang baca alkitab itu der......
kurang doa
kurang pake telepon bebas pulsa

Bukan lang, dia ada banyak pengalaman rohani yg buruk.
(yg trakhir yg tlg blg gak nyambung! Telp ke operator coba! )

doa kan telepon bebas pulsa nya itu
yng satu ini cocoknya di hadiahin gelang WWJD nh

Hahay, masih ada lang?

biar klo berada dalam pilihan hitam putih dia tanya ma dirinya sendiri "What would jesus do?"
masih.....di menplas dekat bioskop

Tau lang, tp aku dah lama dulu yg karet. Tp ilang di loket intra siantar karna desak2an.... Ntar deh aq lihat, kirain limited edition...

punyaku diminta orang pulak.....

Baik hati sangat tulang... Yg karet or kain?
(yg puisi skripsi acem lang??? )

mw meranto dia...
kenang2an ktanya

pasti dah banyak uangnya skrg...

q tdur dlu y

Okay lang... Mimpi ngeri!


Monday, July 25th 2011
Finding myself asleep with this netbook is still on and Basa told me that tv was also on when she wake up. Last night, hmm gotta erite things about one of my best friend. She is Joy. Yesterday is the birthday of hers. Days before yesterday she asked me to make her a poem for her birthday. Having a tight schedule cause me not possible to make it in a daytime. Joining a meeting at Sekret up to 6 pm and continue to attend worship with Basa and Rita in HKBP up to 8 pm. Being so tired, I was asleep, but minutes ahead, the owner of the house that we rent came with his 8 years son for the homework of his. I have to wake up then and taught him. It's about 11 pm and I remember about Joy. Taking my green book and a pencil as well, starting to get an inspiration. It's not easy to create a poem with this condition but I need to do my best for this best friend of mine (one of). Thinking about Joy, I think about this life. Then I started writing words by words and sentences by sentences, tried to have the best rhyme and I did it. Started at 11.24 something and it was completed by 11.40. Afraid of having this day passed, quickly I typed the poem. (Every time writing a poem, I have to make it on papers first, seems like I can't make it if I directly type them. Hmmmm). It's almost 00.00. Huft, hurry Derael.... (what made so suffering in this hurriness was actually I was sesak boker. My stomach had been statring mules-mules when I started typing. But I know if I chose to go to toilet first then I'll miss 24th of July 2011 and Joy will must be disappointed on me). So, I keep doing what I was doing. Copy from Ms. Word to Joy's FB wall (as her request). Urggghhhhhhh, it's failed. The post was too long, the capaity is for 420 characters only mine was about 849 something. Overloaded.... Huft (which is my sesak is getting more and more and starting feeling painful as the effect of ditahan-tahan). Bingo..... I posted the poem on my Blog then just posted some of them on Joy's FB wall but put the link to my Blog for the complete version... hahay. Smart solution. Well, it's not 00.00 yet and It was done. Swiftly I ran to toilet and I got what I wanted to have my self comfortable. I was alive, re-alive. Hakhakhak. but then see what Joy's response on what I''ve done for her.

Irmayanti Juliana Silaen tx ya de..i'm really appreciate ur poem..but it is nat really specific 4 me..u make it generally..
but tx lah
7 hours ago · Like
Derael On Time Nggak mungkin Melva Aurum atau Dina Mayasari Situmorang yang dalam pikiranku waktu buat puisi utk ulang tahun mu Joy. Aku kecewa. Makasih ya!
7 hours ago · Like
Irmayanti Juliana Silaen jgn sensi lah Derael On Time...it's gud de..tapi agak general aja..
beda dgn karya2 mu tw speech apapun itu yg mengarah padaku..u make it detail..n juz takl alot bout me
7 hours ago · Like
Derael On Time AKU KECEWA! KECEWA BERAT! Udah lah... Selamat ulang Tahun!
7 hours ago · Like
Irmayanti Juliana Silaen keep smiling lah bro...sensi lu akh...u sering kok gini in aku bro..but 4 having fun lah akh..
7 hours ago · Like
Derael On Time Udah..... Makin dewasa ya!
7 hours ago · Like
Irmayanti Juliana Silaen tx der..
7 hours ago · Like
Irmayanti Juliana Silaen ‎Derael On Time...try to be me ya der...flexibel la dgn apa yg q bilang ya brader q...u re still d best..
6 hours ago · Like

I've done my best but it was not for her. I learned bout the power of appreciation tonight.

Monday, Oct 11th 2010
I am now a lil busy on doing the final touch up at the BiGEs' (Binjai Grand English Championship) Proposal. A lil problem when I am not really understand about Microsoft Publisher. Coz, this gonna be a bilingual proposal, seems like making it into a publisher version is much better and interesting. There is no socket on my room, that is why I'm at school now. (Curi arus... hehehee). After lunch, wash my face then I come here. (Ngisi pulsa du ding tadi....). Sekalian later mau jadi instructor in SEC (School English Club) Of TuPe Binjai.

Wednesday, Oct 13th 2010

Didn't stay at school this day. Signed attendance list at the office and gave the task paper to my afternoon course students, then getting permission to leave for campus. Drop at Pancing Stamp Maker, for the committe of BiGEs. Arriving at campus directly met the head of English Dept for the Mr. Coordinator I wished to meet was having a meeting. My BiGEs proposal was appreciated and considered as a good plan, event. One of my favorite lectures said the same thing, even more. Happy and honored. But see what happened a few hour after that, the Mr. Coordinator that I wished will say the same thing, he has not. Disappointed and sad. But he gave me a green light anyway with some conditions. I just wonder why my creativity was being pressed. Is that really bad to be creative???? I didn't ask anything else instead of permission. But, one thing that he must know that I won't quit and leave. I'll come again for sure, cause this event is not harming at all to be held, trust me..... Luckily, having a chat with a nice and awesome young American educator, Hussein (hahay), made this day not as bad as what I described. Lots of lessons and inspirations. Wish that won't be the last chance. He is doing something which will make me a real Derael On Time. (Hahay, this isn't a coincidence. I believe in that.) Leaving campus and dropping a while at our rent house. Arrived in Binjai directly to go for a private course, with no bath and dinner, up to now.... Hikz..... Erm, I'd like to thank Bu Cun, a PPL mate, for the hitchhike. 

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1 komentar:

Unknown Says:
11 Maret 2016 pukul 13.29

deraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............aku kangen di blog mu banyak cerita tentang aku lagiiiiiiiii donk..hehhehe...mau liat versi2 terbaru nieeeeeee

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