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In this world, there are only few of heroines or woman icons. Indonesia also has several heroines from Cut Nyak Dien, R.A. kartini to Saur Marlina Manurung. Now I'm gonna talk about Saur Marlina Manurung. I think some people never knew about her before.
She is born on February, 21 1972 in Jakarta. As a Batak daughter, one of tribes in Indonesia, She's used to call "Butet" as her nickname. So she's known as Butet Manurung. She was an Anthropology student. When she was climbing on the top of Jaya Wijaya Mountains, she met with an authoritative activist. That activist succeed as the peacemaker on a war of tribes in Papua. So she's triggered by that activist and she wanna do something for human race.
Finally, she goes in a jungle in Jambi, Sumatra Island. In that jungle, she meets with locals. She opens a school named "sokola" from words school but in Malay. She's teaching locals children how to read and write basically. That local children called "Anak Suku Dalam" (English: Inland Tribal Children). They are taught not only basic educations but also art class, movie making and many more. For information, Butet also teaches locals adults about forest protection laws. Now, when illegal loggers come into jungle then the locals warn them and explain whole forest protection laws fluently. Unfortunately, there's no award that has been awarded especially from local government, Jambi Province, for her contribution all this time.
I've interviewed Butet Manurung about many years ago in a UNDIP national seminar. Butet also won an documentary movie award in Australia. She has helped victims in some disaster area for example Halmahera, Aceh, South Sulawesi, Flores, and others rural. She also has about 10 informal schools. No matter it's informal school or formal school because the most important thing is it can give what people needs. She is involved in some NGOs (Non Government Organization) such as Conservation NGO for four years, SORA Education NGO, and WARSI NGO in Jambi. For what she's being started right now, she stated that she doesn't make a counterwork but she just does what she likes to do not more. In this bad times, she also asks the government again and again to improve the quality of education. Hopefully she can inspire us to spread out the compassion syndrome for everyone anytime anywhere. She closed with a statemented that it's so sadly when you died but no one remembers about you (because you do nothing during your life time-writer). Let's do something for better human life and helping each other. 

By: Stupido-ritmo

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1 komentar:

derael Says:
12 Oktober 2010 pukul 05.44

You are awesome and inspiring Butet..............

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